Monday, April 19, 2010

a donation!

Thank you to Auntie Kathleen in California for donating money to my well.  I have been busy with school and moving and everything so I haven't worked a lot for the well lately but am going to start up again.  I'm gonna remember to ask mom to pay me when I watch my brother for her and I'm gonna ask my dad to pay me for picking up the pine cones in my back yard.  I hate doing that! 

Friday, January 22, 2010


I am still working to get money to build a well.  I do my chores- bringing the mail inside, taking care of my little brother and helping Mom.  Now I started a new one which is making my lunch.  I did it on Wednesday and my Mom was so happy she told me if I do it, I can have 25 cents for my well each time. 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Another Donation

Wow, today Aunt Annie and Uncle Colin donated $50 to the Ryan's well. That is a lot! I am so happy that people want to help like I do. I really appreciate it.

Here are pictures of Aunt Annie with my brothers and me and Uncle Colin playing soccer with me.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

First Donation

Today I got my first donation from someone through my site.

Thank you so much Lily!

It makes me so happy that people are helping me get enough money to build a well. It is like we are all going to be working together to do it.

This is me with my friend, Lily, and my brother, Huck.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Here's an easy way to donate directly to Ryan's Well foundation:


I have made $5 and will be doing more chores this weekend. I can do chores for other people too, so please email or call my mom if you have work for me to do to earn donations.

I got a letter from Erica at the Ryan's Well Foundation! Ryan and his family read my blog! I am so excited. They are going to put my blog on their website!

Here is the letter:

Hi Jed,

My name is Erica and I work for Ryan's Well. We were so excited to read your
blog and how you are raising money for wells - just like Ryan by doing
chores. Ryan and his family are aware of your blog and the work you are
doing. We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work!

We will continue to read your blog and keep track of your progress. I would
like to post your blog on our website, so ask your mom and we can highlight
the work you are doing.

Have a great day, Jed.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Recent work

In the last week I did more week for Mom to raise money. I baby sat for Zeke and I helped clean up the house and I did lots of chores. I made $2.50.