Monday, April 19, 2010

a donation!

Thank you to Auntie Kathleen in California for donating money to my well.  I have been busy with school and moving and everything so I haven't worked a lot for the well lately but am going to start up again.  I'm gonna remember to ask mom to pay me when I watch my brother for her and I'm gonna ask my dad to pay me for picking up the pine cones in my back yard.  I hate doing that! 

Friday, January 22, 2010


I am still working to get money to build a well.  I do my chores- bringing the mail inside, taking care of my little brother and helping Mom.  Now I started a new one which is making my lunch.  I did it on Wednesday and my Mom was so happy she told me if I do it, I can have 25 cents for my well each time.